Created in partnership with local waste recycling firm Printwaste, Sudeley unveils one of Gloucestershire’s most unique, eco hotels, with a difference.

Aptly named ‘Bugeley Castle’, the specially constructed bug hotel is situated on the estate and the latest wildlife installation within Sudeley’s ‘Animal Ark’ zone. Aimed at increasing biodiversity on the estate, the miniature fortified bug hotel will provide a safe habitat for insects and other small creatures. The build started on International Day for Biological Diversity, and forms part of Sudeley’s coexistence with nature ethos, as part of the historic support of wildlife friendly initiatives.
The base of the Bug House is designed to offer shelter for hedgehogs. Photo credit Tom Marshall. -
The brilliant team at Print Waste took time out to create 'Bugeley Castle', pictured here with Elizabeth, Lady Ashcombe -
The sedum roof is rich in pollen and nectar - perfect for butterflies. Photo credit Terry Stevenson. -
The sedum roof offers a great food source for bees, butterflies, hoverflies and moths -
The Print Waste team installed an extra, mini bee house! -
Sudeley's gardens are a haven for bees and insects, now they have their very own 'Bugeley Castle' -
'Bugeley Castle' can be found within Sudeley's Animal Ark zone
During the pandemic, Sudeley welcomed a herd of life-sized Asian elephants created by indigenous artisans from the Nilgiri Hills of Southern India, for wildlife charity, Elephant Family. More than 10 members of the herd remain residents at the castle, their symbolic presence aims to spreading a universal message of peaceful coexistence with nature, and all creatures great & small.
Initially proposed by Printwaste, the bug hotel marks the project’s next chapter. Constructed using wooden scrapped pallets, Bugeley Castle has been kitted out with a variety of repurposed materials including broken plant pottery, pinecones, straw and plumbing pipes. Battlement-style walls have been designed to match its surroundings within the castle grounds, while a sedum-covered roof will provide important microclimates for insects and improve air quality.
Nearby signage will explain the creation story, partnership, and environmental values, offering inspiration about the importance of caring for local habitats.
In addition to the bug house, Printwaste has also supplied three bee houses, handcrafted by a member of the Printwaste team and made from recycled scaffolding board, providing much-needed shelter for the local bees and furthering biodiversity. Four volunteers from the Printwaste team took time out to create the bug house at Sudeley Castle.

“We’re looking forward to creating Sudeley’s very first bug hotel with the Print Waste team and welcoming all sorts of little creatures and their creepy-crawly friends. We hope ‘Bugeley Castle’ will provide a safe space for many little creatures to call home.”
Elizabeth, Lady Ashcombe, Chatelaine of Sudeley Castle
Chris Robins, Marketing Manager of Printwaste said: “Both Sudeley and Printwaste see this as a wonderful synergy between sustainability which promotes re-use of materials, one of the best forms of treating waste, and biodiversity, bringing together the passion of both organisations. The creation of the bug hotel is a great symbolisation of our working partnership, one which is focused on strengthening Sudeley Castle’s environmental credentials.”
“Our priority at Sudeley, as with all businesses we work with, is to manage all waste in as environmentally conscious way as possible, using collection data to drive our decisions. To do this, we use the standardised waste hierarchy, the most effective and sustainable method for managing waste. At Printwaste, we try to work all waste streams up the hierarchy as far as possible, being a zero to landfill business.”
Bugeley Castle highlights a five-year partnership between Printwaste and Sudeley Castle which started in 2019. The Cheltenham-based waste management and recycling business provides a total waste management service for the estate, with a mission to improve its recycling rate and reduce general waste. This has led to improved solutions across its site including increased collection frequencies in multiple areas, improved labelling for waste disposal and the implementation of a food service, which has helped to increase recycling rates.
Bugeley Castle at Sudeley is now open to the public.

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