Are you entering flowers, vegetables or perhaps some preserves in the Winchcombe Country Show this year? Is this a family tradition?
Just how far back can your family go with its links to the Show? Did your family enter in the early years of the competitions when the event was held at Sudeley Castle?
We have taken a look through the Castle archives and have found a poster from the Winchcombe Country Show in 1866. The poster highlights categories including Estate cottagers, Dent allotment holders and Winchcombe allotment holders as well as extra prizes that anyone could enter. All admission money was donated for the benefit of Gretton School which started life in late 1863.
We have a list of the prize winners from 1867 as well as an entry ticket. Can you rival George Merryman who won five prizes, or James Corbett Junior, Edward White or James Nash who won four prizes? Unfortunately, we do not have the breakdown of the categories they won their prizes for, but James was probably quite content with his haul worth 15/- (or approx. £44.35 in today’s money) and George with his prizes worth 12/- (or £35.48). Can you find an ancestor of your family on the list of winners?
The Flower show became an ongoing event and even heavy rain did not seem to put visitors off...

In 1888, £55 was taken on the gates and a tea party provided for the Women’s Benefit Society. Those entering the grounds were allowed to wander the gardens and see inside the chapel.

In 1890, over 3000 people attended the show that included an organ recital in the chapel and competed in athletic sports with prizes awarded by Emma Dent. There was also boating on the lake, a fairground, stalls for worthy local causes with dancing and fireworks to follow.
In 1894, Emma Dent incorporated an exhibition on Palestine into the annual Flower Show. Religion was the guiding light of her life and, by presenting the “Customs and manners … of Bible lands” over the two days of the Flower show, she was sure that people would benefit from the new insights that they would gain.
Hopefully those attending the show this year will enjoy just as much what 2019 has to offer.
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