1 Jul 2019 Sudeley Castle & Gardens earns 2019 Trip Advisor certificate of excellence Sudeley Castle & Gardens has received a TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence, for the fifth year.
17 Jun 2019 Pause for a moment on the Sudeley Seat Swing seat makes the perfect selfie spot at Sudeley Castle
24 May 2019 Exciting finds made by archaeologists at Sudeley Castle Treasures buried underground for hundreds of years have been unearthed as part of archaeological dig
22 May 2019 Archaeologists have begun uncovering a long lost Tudor garden at Sudeley Castle An excavation to unearth a long-lost Tudor garden and banqueting house at Sudeley is taking place
22 Mar 2019 Giffords Circus putting down roots at Sudeley Castle English oak tree has been planted at Sudeley Castle